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JUNE 25, 2024

Let's give this a start.

One of my case manager's called me today--yes, one of. I'm a mess. He's been trying to help me get some work for the summer, imperative during the upcoming month of July if I want to stay on the program that helped me avoid homelessness. Keeping it that way's high priority, or it should be, but I wasn't able to get anything for June. I was busy with moving into the new place and slowly unpacking everything, I guess. I'd love to sit here and write about how especially unique and miserable that whole experience was--moving--but I'm trying to write a diary entry, not essay. What matters is the bugs lost and I won, but at consequence of an allyship with the spiders. We make concessions in life where we must.

My foot's healed so I took my dog out for our first 'adventure' in awhile--Torgal knows the distinction between a 'walk' (around the block) and adventure (around the neighborhood) and, apropos of nothing, he likes dancing with me to Daft Punk (around the world). I used to love going on daily wanderings for anywhere from an hour to several--around the time before I graduated there'd be mornings where I'd've stayed up through the night and decided to go on a big ass walk around six. 30k steps later and it'd be one or two in the afternoon and then I'd pass out until the next day hahaha. Fibro's made my feet (which were already pretty destroyed from years in retail) tougher to walk on, among other things. So doggie forcing myself out of the house to get some exercise despite works for me.

This entry's album is ROISIN MACHINE by Roisin Murphy. Check out SIMULATION.

Don't expect any frequency to these btw.