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PREFACE: I don't have the original, but this is a revision made after class critique, something akin to how less of a poem OF THORNS was, more a pop song. He was right, so I doubled the hell down on that. One day I'll produce some sort of backing track and hunt down some vocals... and revise it a third time.

christ-like, night life, company's seen,

fill the cups, fill the lungs, take a sec' and breathe.

eyes rolled, bill fold, pay the tab and leave,

stumble out, air of clout, salaryman's reprieve.

mugging two clicks left,

honking two blocks right,

humans scatter, pitter patter--night life.

wailing two floors up,

dreams come crashing down,

humans scatter, pitter patter--night life.

out the door, euphoria.

pass a whore, no more of ya.

shame and dignity just don't rhyme,

swallow this and give it time.

swallow this and get out of sight,

hollow hearts and blinding lights.

follow me into the night.

follow me into the night.

mugging two clicks left,

honking two blocks right,

humans scatter, pitter patter--night life.

wailing two floors up,

dreams come crashing down,

humans scatter, pitter patter--night life.

dreams come crashing down.

dreams come crashing down.

dreams come crashing down.

you'll don this thorny crown.

night life, night life, moon cascading, eyelight fading

night life, night life, crowd's spurring, sins are yearning.

night life, night life, lights ablaze, rome roads paved

night life, night life, walk your ass straight to the grave.

wave your hand,

chariot comes,

feathered helmets,

greased palms.

where are you going? where are you going?

eyes rolled back. where are you going?

where are you going? where are you going?

where are you going? where are you going?

where are you going? please come back.

where are you going? where are you going?

eyes rolled back. where are you going?

where are you going? where are you going?

where are you going? please come back.

where are you going? where are you going?

where are you going? please come back.

where are you going? where are you going?

where are you going? where are you going?

please come back. where are you going?

night life, night life

night life, night life

night life, night life

night life, night life

night life

night life

night life

night life

back at home, mattress foam, eyes up at the ceiling.

boulder rolled, you enclosed, but there is no healing.

cheap breath, ego death, searching for the meaning.

eyes shut, mind in flux, salaryman's reprieve.