SCREAM (1996)

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PREFACE: I must've seen this film like three times within a short time span and I liked it more and more each time. So.

More than any other aspect of SCREAM that I love (well, besides the stellar ost), Ghost Face's clumsiness is the absolute best. There's a decidedly human touch to the party city dressed devil in a way that Freddy nor Jason aren't, its victims able to fight back just enough to inspire hope... but you know how it's gonna end for 'em, really. Regardless, they kick, they shove, they fight, they bleed, and they manage advantages. I mean, hell, the slasher gets pelted with beer bottles a couple of times and they aren't easily shrugged off, either. And speaking of slashers--that whole deal where the killer's signature move is to wipe his blade clean? Fantastic every time.

Everyone's a character, too--they all feel so interestingly written and full of life (except for when they're dead). Good characters get viewers attached... makes it that much harder to see them go. Not every writer understands this--some may never..

All that said--the self awareness, i'm aware myself, was pretty novel for the time given horror movies didn't do that sort of thing. Thankfully, Wes Craven isn't a moron, and he utilized the concept in cool ways, Like... well, i'm trying to avoid spoiling anything, so just keep your eyes peeled for television screens. But anyway, the point i'm trying to arrive at is that this whole self awareness deal could've easily been an annoying deal breaker... which it often is. Well, characters constantly referring to horror tropes and the like does definitely get a little tiring. So maybe don't watch SCREAM three times within a short time span.

You know, though, there's definitely something to be said about an unresolved plotline as far as the reporter and her terrible treatment of the camera guy is concerned. Wes pointed to the latter and said, "Fuck him."