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i feel myself in a weird slump when it comes to this game. on one hand, the character writing is incredibly sharp and personal. on the other hand, i got bored of this on two separate occasions, meaning the game took me nearly a year to finish. on another hand, the gameplay feels pretty loose and tight at the same time, meaning taking out nazis is a bit of a smooth experience. on yet another hand, the stealth gameplay, unpolished as it is, demands to be at attention lest you feel like a dipshit fighting hordes of neverending enemies because you dared fire a gun in an FPS.

i don't know. what a weird game. it's not particularly long, either, but it feels like forever. playing it gives me the impression that no one on the team really wanted to make an FPS and just did their best, the story's certainly good, and i did admittedly look at it through the lens of someone annoyed with the ad campaign surrounding. it's definitely a good game. it's not really a great game, but it IS a good game, certainly. sure, play it.